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Article I- Name

This association shall be called the Ohio Juvenile Detention Directors Association (OJDDA), a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Ohio.

Article II- Mission Statement

The mission of the OJDDA is to provide equal opportunities for supporting and educating its members. Services may include a wide range of activities designed to serve, without discriminating, and to unify OJDDA members. OJDDA additionally serves as a vehicle to advocate for Ohio's Juvenile Detention, both locally and nationally to potentially impact legislation, policies, practices and other related activities. Further, OJDDA provides an avenue for Juvenile Detention Directors to interact and to share ideas and services.

Article III- OJDDA Goals

Association goals shall be set by and assessed-reviewed annually by an Executive Board.

Article IV- Dues and Membership

*Membership in the Association shall be open to all Juvenile Detention Directors, Administrators, Superintendents, and Juvenile Detention Assistant Directors. 

*Membership year determined members' individual payments. 

*Dues shall be set by the Executive Board.

*Membership rights are designated by the Executive Board. 

*Associate Memberships will be available to former OJDDA members with at least five (5) years experience and, who when left their position with the detention field, were in good standing with the Association. The departing member shall petition the Executive Board for membership. There will be no dues for this membership but they will have to provide payment for conferences. Associate members shall not have voting rights and cannot hold elected positions. Associate members may serve on committees as directed by the Executive Board. 

Article V- Officers

*The officers of this Association shall be:President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, and Executive Secretary.

*To be a candidate for President or Executive Vice President, a member shall be in good standing.

*Nominations for office must be made in writing by a letter of nomination sent to the Executive Secretary of this organization and signed by a member in good standing. Membership will be verified and validated as current by the Executive Secretary. 

*The Chairperson for the Nominating and Election Committee who is authorized to establish necessary nomination and election procedure, shall be the immediate or another OJDDA President or a designee appointed by the President. 

*The Nominating Committee shall prepare nominations/ballots for final vote. 

*The nominee and nominator through written verification must be in complete agreement with any nomination or it is void.

*A member in arrears of dues is not eligible for nomination or appointment to office. Such a member may not submit nominations.

*A member in good standing of the organization, who is eligible may be nominated for more than one office, but it is incumbent upon the member so nominated to declare his or her position, accepting one and withdrawing from the other nomination (s). A member who has been nominated for two offices and declines both nominations before nominations are finally closed thereby withdraws his or her name and ceases to be a candidate for either office.

*It is not necessary that nominations for offices in the organization to be seconded. 

*The President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, and Executive Secretary shall be elected at the annual meeting for two year terms. The Treasurer and Executive Secretary may be given appropriate and necessary compensation set by the Executive Board. 


Article VI- Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the officers, the past Presidents and at leave five (5) other members of the Association. The President shall have the responsibility for setting regular meeting dates for the year and for maintaining and publicizing a current list of officers and Executive Board Members; this list updated to the Board within sixty (60) days after each Executive Board membership change.

*The minimum of five (5) Association members shall be elected by general membership at the annual meeting. The term of office is to be three (3) years. 

*For the first election only, the terms of office shall be: two (2) members for one (1) year terms, two (2) members for two (2) year terms and one (1) member for a three (3) year term.

*The past Presidents of this Association shall be emeritus members of the Executive Board of the OJDDA with the right to vote so long as they are members in good standing, and shall respond to the President and needs of the Association.

*The Executive Board shall have the right to declare a vacancy where a member of the Executive Board (1) does not attend regularly scheduled meetings in each fiscal year of the Association, unless such member is excused for good cause, (2) is in arrears financially to the Association, or (3) is convicted of a felony or any other behavior unbecoming of their position. The Executive Secretary will notify any absent member to explain this provision.

*The Executive Board, for administrative purposes, shall have designated the Executive Commitee which shall consist of the four named of Article V elected by the general membership. 

Article VII- Duties of Officers

*The President shall be the chairperson of  the Executive Board and shall preside at all meetings of the Association. The President shall be responsible for preparing and submitting a budget to the Executive Board for the Association no later than sixty (60) days after assuming office. 

*The Executive Vice President shall assist the President as directed, and shall act as the chairperson of the Executive Board in the absence of  the President, and shall preside at all meetings of the Association in the absence of the President. 

*The Executive Secretary and Treasurer shall hold office as elected and shall perform such duties as may be required. The Treasurer is subject to annual audit and to be a balance request from the president at any time. 

Article VIII- Duties of the Executive Board

*The Executive Board shall serve as a governing Board of the Association and shall have the power to transact business and to determine programs and policies of the Association between bi-annual meetings.

*If a vacancy occurs, the Executive Board shall have the power to fill the vacancy to serve the unexpired term.

*The Board shall approve the budget and expenditures of the Association and designate the fiscal year.

Article IX- Meetings

*There shall be bi-annual meetings of the Association, and such other meetings as may be called by the Executive Board.

*The Executive Board shall meet in conjunction with the bi-annual meetings to transact any necessary business, and shall meet at least once during the fiscal year thereafter and at such other times as may be directed by the President. 

*The Association shall follow Roberts Rules of Order unless superseded especially by the bylaws.

*Notice of the time and place of all regular meetings, all special meetings, and Executive Board Meetings of the Association shall be made available to each member in writing. 

*At special meetings either of the Association or of the Executive Board, only such matters shall be acted upon as specified in such notice.

Article X- Quorums

*After due notice (as defined in ARTICLE IX) those present at the bi-annual meetings of the association shall constitute a quorum.

*Ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum at any special meeting of the Association.

*Any four (4) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. 

Article XI- Committees

*Committees' functions and their chairpersons shall be publicized regularly by the Executive Secretary.

*The chairpersons and members of standing committees need not be members of the Executive Board. The President may appoint the chairperson to the Executive Board. The chairperson or designee shall meet with the Executive Board for the purpose of presenting the committee report.

*The Conference Committee chairperson may be given appropriate and necessary compensation as set by the Executive Board. The Conference Committee may arrange for professional or educational credits as needed.

*The President shall be empowered to create from time to time such special committees as he or she may deem desirable and to name members of such committees subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

*The chairperson and members of a special committee need not be members of the Executive Board. The chairperson of a special committee, if not a member Executive Board, may meet with the Executive Board for the purpose of presenting the committee report.

Article XII- Amendments

*Amendments to this Constitution may be submitted by the Executive Board, or upon written request of ten (10) members filed with the President at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.

*The officers shall submit any proposed amendment (s) to the membership at any bi-annual meeting or at any special meeting call for such purpose.

*Any amendment (s) to these bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at the bi-annual meetings.

Article XIII- Continuing Resolutions

The Executive Board may enact continuing resolutions which:

*Describe the functions of various committees of the organization

*State specific policies

*Describe responsibilities of special committee chairpersons and/or paid personnel

*Continuing resolutions shall be enacted or amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all voting members of the Executive Board.

*Continuing resolutions shall be published separately.

Article XIV- Dissolution Clause

Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the organization, dispose of all of the assets of the organization in such manner, or to such organization or organization organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or organizations under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Executive Board shall determine.

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